速報APP / 地圖與導航 / Speedoo - GPS Powered Speedometer

Speedoo - GPS Powered Speedometer





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Makola South, Kiribathgoda, Sri Lanka

Speedoo - GPS Powered Speedometer(圖1)-速報App

Speedoo is a GPS powered speedometer to track your trip speed, distance, time and many more using one single view. Apart from that, application keeps your history trips data.

Things that you can track :

1. Current speed.

2. Total travel time.

3. Total travel distance.

4. Remaining time.

Speedoo - GPS Powered Speedometer(圖2)-速報App

5. Remaining distance.

You can view your route real time when you start the trip.

If you have any questions or customized GPS Trip app for your business or any other mobile or web application developments, feel free to contact our ZaoTec team via mail@zaotec.com or zaoteclk@gmail.com.

Also you can place any application development orders via Fiverr.com


For more information please visit

Speedoo - GPS Powered Speedometer(圖3)-速報App


Do not miss any trips! Let Speedoo to track every thing! Download now!